CNG Station

Pittsburgh Region Clean Cities can help fleet owners secure grant money toward the incremental purchase price of a vehicle. There are several opportunities available to help purchase an alternative fueled vehicle.

The Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant (AFIG) Program provides financial assistance and information on alternative fuels and vehicles. More information is available on the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection website.

What is it? The Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant (AFIG) Fund was created in 1992 by Act 166. Its purpose is to:

  • reduce PA's dependence on imported oil,
  • improve PA's environmental quality, and
  • foster economic development by encouraging the transfer and commercialization of innovative energy technologies and the use of fuels indigenous to the Commonwealth.

Who and what is eligible for funding? Eligible applicants for incentive grants are schools and vocational school districts, municipal authorities, counties, cities, boroughs, incorporated towns, townships, county institution districts, corporations, partnerships and nonprofit entities incorporated or registered in the Commonwealth, and Commonwealth residents.

Eligible alternative motor fuels and fuel systems are compressed natural gas (CNG), liquefied natural gas (LNG), liquid propane gas (LPG), ethanol (E85), methanol (M85), hydrogen, hythane, electricity, coal-derived liquid fuels, fuels derived from biological materials and fuels determined by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Energy as meeting the requirements of Section 301 of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (42 U.S.C.A. §13211(2)).

Another funding source comes from the U.S. Department of Energy.

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is now accepting solicitation of proposals for State Energy Program (SEP) grants. As much as $4.5 million in SEP grant money has been set aside for state energy offices to promote special projects that support alternative fuels and alternative fuel vehicles through the development of infrastructure, niche markets, and strategic alliances between the federal, state, and local government partners, as well as private sector Clean Cities stakeholders. Solicitations for SEP funds will be accepted for the following projects that promote:

  • The acquisition of commercially available AFVs that maximize alternative fuel use, especially when those vehicles support AFV niche market activity center or niche deployment strategy, and projects that promote the development of AFV platforms.
  • AFV infrastructure development.
  • The acquisition of AFV school buses.
  • AFV visibility with vehicle signage.
  • Cost sharing toward the salary of a Clean Cities Coordinator.

SEP grant proposals should be sent to your regional DOE office no later then March 15, 2002. For more information, please go to the U.S. Department of Energy website.

Pittsburgh Region Clean Cities also has money available for fleets that operate in the Pittsburgh International Airport corridor as well as fleets of home service providers, such as plumbers, electricians and roofers. For more information about the funding, please contact Chuck DiPietro or Mary Dunn.


AFV Bluebird Bus

Related Links


Electric Gem Cars
Gem Motor Cars

American Gas Association
American Petroleum Institute
American Public Transit Association (APTA)
Biomass Energy Systems
Energy & Environmental Research Center
EV World
Gas Research Institute
Independent Petroleum Association of America
National Alternative Fuels Training Consortium
National Clean Cities Inc.
National Ethanol Vehicle Coalition
National Propane Gas Association
National Petroleum Council
Natural Gas Vehicle Coalition
Society of Automotive Engineers
The U.S. Motor Fuels Information Center